e31cf57bcd All Waves plugins are installed to a folder named "Plug-Ins V9", . Waves VST Plug-Ins :: Simon. Oct 12 2009 . On Windows I had to change the syntax for his two messages to "C/Program Files/VSTPlugIns/WaveShell-VST 9.2x64.dll" I . If you only want Reaper to see the 32 bit plugins, then rename WaveShell-VST 9.2x64.dll to something like WaveShell-VST 9.2x64.dll.DONTUSE 3 - Drag and drop each "xxxdll WaveShell-VST" onto the shell2vst.exe (But not WaveShell-Direct X. . dll or the WaveShell-Direct X. . dll) . Installing Waves 9 . 1. To install the full package select the following plug-ins during the installation: - All Sound Grid (Optional.
Waveshell-vst 9.2
Updated: Mar 8, 2020